Often described as The City of Four Lakes, Madison is the capital of the state of Wisconsin and comprises the four lakes of the Yahara River. The city trademark, its iconic dome modeled after the dome of the US Capitol, is located on the high point of the isthmus between two of them, Lakes Mendota and Monona.
The City of Madison has awarded HUB Parking Technology the contract to install and implement a new and updated PARC system with enhanced technology and functionality. A valued customer of HUB Parking since 2006, we are excited to continue our business relationship with the City of Madison and be a part of the progression and growth of their parking operation.
Thirty-six lanes of equipment including lane entry/exit stations and fee computers for both transient and contract parkers will be spread among six parking facilities throughout the City along with 22 cash and credit card pay-on-foot pay stations. The HUB Parking system will also include a Coding Station for mass validations, VoIP intercom, and peripheral barcode scanners to accommodate validations for special events and promotional opportunities.
Controlled from one central location, and accessible 24/7 via tablet or smartphone, HUB easy-to-use, adaptable management software JMS (Janus Management System) will help streamline facility monitoring, from the overall parking structure down to individual device detail, and occupancy control of each parking facility. The flexibility and scalability of HUB Parking Systems will enable the City of Madison to add parking facilities to their system seamlessly and include additional functionalities in the future.